Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Larry King: Tôi chả học được gì khi tôi nói

Phong cách phỏng vấn của ông?
Tôi không thể hiện. Tôi không dùng từ "tôi". Khi ngươì phỏng vấn nói: "Tôi tự hỏi.." hoặc "Để tôi hỏi anh điều này..." thì đó đã là sai rồi. Đó là anh ta hỏi cho mình. Tôi chỉ hỏi những câu hỏi ngắn, thường gồm 2-3 câu. Nếu mất đến 3 câu, đó là một câu hỏi tồi. Tôi không có sân khấu cho mình. Tôi không lên sóng để làm khách mời lúng túng, để kết thân với khách mời, hoặc để hạ gục khách mời. Tôi ở đó để học.

Khi phỏng vấn các nguyên thủ cần phải chuẩn bị thể nào?
Càng có ít thời gian (phỏng vấn), càng phải chuẩn bị nhiều hơn.

Khi khách mời là ngươì không cùng quan điểm, ông dẫn dắt cuộc phỏng vấn thế nào?
Tôi để cái tôi của mình ở ngoài cửa. Tôi cố gắng hỏi những câu hỏi tốt nhất, chứ không mang quan điểm của mình vào đó. Bởi nếu làm thế, chương trình có thể thú vị, nhưng khán giả chả thu được gì.

Cách ông tiếp cận những chủ đề khó?
Nếu phỏng vấn Bin Laden, câu hỏi tồi nhất sẽ là "Tại sao ông lại đánh bom các tòa nhà?" Cách tốt nhất sẽ là hỏi "Điều gì đã mang ông ra khỏi gia đình mình?" "Điều gì đã khiến người đàn ông này, sinh ra trong một gia đình giàu có ở Trung Đông, lại bỏ nó ra đi? Tại sao ông muốn sống trong núi thay vì trong biệt thự?" Những câu hỏi này cho thấy tôi tò mò về ông ta. Tôi muốn biết điều gì đã khiến ông ta làm những điều mà ông ta đã làm. Chẳng ai sáng sáng chải đầu trước gương mà nhắc đi nhắc lại rằng "Tôi là con quỷ. Tôi là kẻ khủng bố và mọi ngươì đều căm hận tôi." Bin Laden không làm thế. Hitler không làm thế. Stalin không làm thế. Họ đều nghĩ rằng những gì họ làm là đúng. Tôi sẽ phỏng vấn để hiểu, và để mọi ngươì hiểu họ hơn.

Điều gì làm nên một người trả lời phỏng vấn tốt?
Không quan trọng họ là ai, họ cần có đam mê với điều họ làm, khả năng diễn giải điều đó thật tốt, một chút hài hước, khả năng tự phản kháng, và hy vọng là một chút quá khích khi chỉ trích ai đó.

Tại sao có vẻ như không ai từ chối trả lời phỏng vấn của ông?
Có lẽ bởi họ biết họ sẽ được hỏi những câu hỏi hay và ngươì hỏi họ là người trung thực. Họ biết họ sẽ không bị biên tập vì là truyền hình trực tiếp, và họ sẽ được biến đến vòng quannh thế giới.

Có vị khách mời nào mà ông luôn mong được phỏng vấn?
Fidel Castro. Ông ấy là người lãnh đạo một quốc gia lâu hơn bất kỳ ai. Bin Laden. Còn ai nữa? Giáo hoàng.

Một bài học lớn sau nhiều thập kỷ làm phỏng vấn?
Tôi chưa từng học đại học. Tôi học qua nghề. Anthony Quinn từng nói với tôi rằng: tò mò là cách giáo dục tốt nhất." Nếu bạn tò mò, bạn sẽ học được rất nhiều thứ mỗi ngày. Tôi là loại ngươì mà bạn không muốn ngồi cạnh khi ở trên máy bay. Tôi quan tâm đến mọi thứ xung quanh tôi. Tôi quan tâm xem bạn làm gì và vì sao bạn làm nó.

Lời khuyên của ông cho những ngươì muốn làm phỏng vấn truyền hình?
Hãy là mình. Hãy tò mò. Hãy lắng nghe. Việc bạn lắng nghe còn quan trọng hơn những điều bạn sẽ hỏi. Phương châm của tôi là: Tôi sẽ chẳng học được gì khi tôi nói.

(Tạp chí Emmy, số 1/2011).

10 Questions for Larry King

Whom do you most want to interview that you haven't yet?
Fidel Castro certainly. Always wanted to interview a Pope. Any Pope. And J.D. Salinger, who is probably the most impossible interview to get. The Catcher in the Rye had a major impact on me. I'd ask him, "Where'd you go? Why'd you stop writing? Did you run dry after four books?" That just boggles me. That's something I could never do. Disappear from the scene.

What has allowed you to last so long on the job?
Longevity is impossible to explain. I never wanted to do anything else but be a broadcaster. I'm talking about age 5. I wanted to be on the radio, then I wanted to be on television. I never thought I'd be seen worldwide. We almost called the book What Am I Doing Here?

Do you agree with the perception that you ask soft questions?
Don't agree with it. I'm not there to pin someone to the wall. If I were to begin an interview with Nancy Pelosi and say, "Why did you lie about torture?" the last thing I will learn is the truth. I'd be putting them on the defensive to make me look good. At that point, they're a prop. To me, the guest is not a prop.

Are you concerned about the popularity of ideologically charged news programs?
I'm not concerned, because all things are cyclical. Hopefully, the good, straight, thoughtful, in-depth interview will always be around. There's something I learned long ago: I never learned a thing when I was talking. So these shows where the host is on 90% of the time and the guest 10%, I don't get it.

Which interview has surprised you the most?
The Watergate villain G. Gordon Liddy. I don't like to make preimpressions, but I expected not to like him. And I really liked him. I thought he was wacko, but wackos can be fun. I loved his passion. I loved his sense of humor. He was a true character and therefore duck soup for an interview.

You've taken heat for having tabloid guests on your show. How do you feel about that?
I don't know that I deserve the heat, because I don't pick the guests. Never pick the guests. And a lot of times, I don't like it either. However, when the light goes on, I've got a job to do. So if we have to discuss the missing child or the beauty star who's divorcing her husband, it's the nature of the beast. You have to do it. I never throw away a show.

How many pairs of suspenders do you have? 
Never counted 'em. But my guess would be--there are suspenders in New York and Washington and, of course, at my home in Los Angeles--150. But they can't be clip-ons. Every pair of pants I buy--jeans, anything--we sew in the suspender buttons.

How do you deal with guests you don't like?
Well, I'm a professional, and my job is to be a conduit. My personal opinion does not count. I don't use the word I. It's irrelevant. The only thing that counts is the guest. So is it harder to interview someone you don't like? You bet. But you gotta suck it up.

What has been your most awkward interview?
Robert Mitchum, who was one of my favorite actors, drove me nuts. Every answer was one word. "Yep. Nope. Maybe. Not sure. Sure." I never got through to him. It got so bad that I wound up asking him what he had for dinner. And when he finished, he said, "How did I do?"

What does life after Larry King Live look like to you?
As Milton Berle said, "Retire? To what?" I don't envision retirement. I'm not a good sitter-arounder, if that's a term. It doesn't suit me.

Friday, August 12, 2011

What is Panic Attack?

The best way to answer the question "What is panic attack?" is to examine how a panic attack feels. Even if you aren't sure you suffer from panic attacks, you know what they feel like. Why?

Have you ever been in a dangerous situation? Perhaps you had to walk alone across a dark parking lot late at night, and realized that there were footsteps behind you. Perhaps you were driving on a lonely stretch of road, only to have the car behind you speed up, pass you, and suddenly slow to a crawl as if the driver intended to stop and block your way. Whatever the circumstances, you almost certainly experienced shortness of breath, tingling in your upper body, nausea or a clenching of your stomach, and a racing heartbeat.

Those were all normal physiological reactions, because your body’s sympathetic nervous system, or SNS, has a "freeze, flight, or fight" response to danger. That response enables you to switch into high gear so that you can hide from, escape, or attack a threat. Your SNS pumps out adrenaline. Your heart rate speeds up as the blood rushes to your legs (you might feel lightheaded) so that you can run as fast as possible, and your breathing increases to supply extra oxygen to your heart and muscles.

Your body calls on all its resources to survive, and luckily for the human race, the system has worked wonderfully for millions of years! When things go normally, the threat will pass, and you'll stop producing the adrenaline which enabled your body to get through the crisis. This happens when your parasympathetic nervous system, or PNS, kicks in and calms you down.

They suffer from the same racing heart, nausea, lightheadedness, and shortness of breath which are appropriate responses to danger, but have no way to let their bodies know that the response is unwarranted. They simply have to wait until their parasympathetic nervous systems kick in and calm things down.

One of the most devastating consequences of panic attacks is that, once someone begins to suffer from them, he or she may develop such a fear of losing control that agoraphobia results. Agoraphobia is a fear of places outside the home, and people afflicted with it simply cannot function in public places. They feel hemmed in, have difficulty getting enough air, and are often convinced that they are about to faint. Panic attacks with agoraphobia are the most crippling of all.

Panic attacks would be far less devastating if there were a way to avoid the situations which trigger them. But the great majority of panic attacks happen spontaneously, and someone who experiences one panic attack in a certain place may never experience another one there, if he or she can summon the courage to revisit it!

As strange as it may seem, there are people who actually awakened in the middle of the night suffering from panic attacks, feeling suffocated, their hearts pounding and their extremities tingling or numb. Because of the similarity of their symptoms, these people are often convinced they are having heart attacks. The only good thing about a nocturnal panic attack is that it will usually end within ten or twenty minutes. By the age of 60, most people stop experiencing them.

While a majority of people suffer one panic attack never have another one, many unfortunate individuals develop a pattern of panic attacks becomes known as panic disorder. They are the ones most likely to alter their lifestyles in order to prevent the world from learning of their difficulty. If you have started changing the way you want to live your life because you fear a panic attack, there is help available.

Speak to a doctor about getting the test you need to ensure that your panic attacks are not the result of a medical condition. Once that’s established, your panic attack disorder can be treated both with medication and with therapy.

Panic attacks are considered a syndrome of panic disorder

Exactly What Is A Panic Attack?

A panic attack happens when your body suddenly gets overwhelmed with feelings such as fear, panic, and stress. Usually, it is impossible to predict panic attacks since they often come out of nowhere. This type of anxiety disorder is one of the worst because it has such bad side effects.

As many as 3 million adults in the United States have dealt with panic attacks. Unfortunately, many people do not know that a panic attack is happening and are afraid that they are going into cardiac arrest or dying.

If people are not aware of the fact they are having panic attacks, they won't normally get treated for them. This lack of knowledge is detrimental since these attacks do not stop on their own.

Panic attacks can cause a multitude of problems, and tend to get progressively worse if not treated. While symptoms vary with each person, some of the most common components of a panic attack include: Sudden onset of unexpected fear and panic, cold sweat, heart palpitations, inability to breathe, dizziness, feeling faint, and physical discomfort or pain.

Because having a panic attack is such a horrible experience, a lot of people are terrified to have another and this fear launches even more panic attacks. To stop the cycle of panic attacks, proper treatment must be undertaken right away.

While some patients are given prescription medication to help control their panic attacks, the medications in this group have some very unpleasant side effects of their own, including constant drowsiness, total disorientation, and exhaustion. It is often said that with these medications, the cure is nearly as bad as the disease! Fortunately, there is effective help available for panic attacks that can even eliminate them completely.

Ideally, panic attacks should be handled by utilizing a program that gets inside the brain, where panic attacks originate. Programs such as Panic Away use a psychologically sound technique to help the brain to understand how to deal with and completely eliminate panic attacks. Some of the program tips are so simple that they can be used immediately with success.

It is not realistic to expect panic attacks to resolve themselves. It will take some action in order to achieve a real cure, but it is quite possible to do so with some of the programs available today.

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

FIFA Manager 11 review: Underappreciated

Not too bad at all. Fun at start, but then it's going too easy even on the first season of having Div 2 club.

Being a fan of Fifa Manager a long time ago, I already play every single version of this series since it was Total Club Manager (though I'm even not a FIFA fan, I'm in for PES).

I did wonder why everyone give it only 6.0 point average on Gamespot when I started playing this game. Well, really it is not that bad at all. The tactic system going impressive, 3D match is going smooth, players have many smart actions, AI is very good, the financial system going well as always, I'm in total control of my club not like in Football Manager of Championship Manager series, which one of the biggest reason why I enjoy Fifa Manager more than others.

For more detail, I always playing low Division of England in any football manager games for more experience of enjoy my team going up and developing in my own way. And this time, I had Bradford in Div 2, one of my favorite low division team all time. But then, I discovered the Tactic Route at the second matches, and things are going down at this point:

I won every single match!

The reason is: I use that Tactic route very well, attack and defend with nearly all players, but I don't think computer team know anything about this Tactic Route at all. Players are smart but the their managers ares not.

Their players stay in positions in every situations, LB and RB not going to attack, midfields players are really staying in midfield, there are always only like 2 or 3 players at attacking positions, and the strikers not going to down to defend as well, they could not beat my 11 players with that, even with Premier League players, it likes using 8 players vs 11 in both attack and defend.

FIFA Manager 11 is then way too easy! I know I'm good at this brand, but come on! Having Bradford in Div 2 and won nearly every single matches in Brazil style included FA Cup, English Cup and even beat team Manchester United with my average-60 players is totally crazy. And I hate that, it's not fun at all like you think (I know they fixed it in Update 2, but that's a super careless job of EA!).

That's the main thing make the game bad. Some other bad points which i hate:

- I hate talking with my players every weeks, that's boring clicking the same words every now and then.
- I want original, and it should be good enough. Some problem like number of heading goals, Routes set back after making sub, too hard to sell reserve players should not be there to fix in Patch 1.
- I am manager of the month and they even not mention it in my emails!
- I hate update and patch my game then it could effect or destroy my saved game. I do not talk about database, it's about BUGS! Lot of bugs! I want more consistent and perfect game when it going to release, EA need to test it more carefully before bring it out to players.
- Up to now I haven't understand much the training. There are no description about staff yet, is it any bonus if I leave my players to my coaches in training? Because I want to train them my self, but if then, what my staff level for?
- I know I could turn it off but there are too many same cinematic action all time and too much, the same as 5, 6 years ago.
- Theme songs is annoy sometimes could bring headache, just learn how to do it from PES.
- Take too long time of loading and advertising to the main screen.
- It take a long time for me to know why I'm getting too many red card.
- Tutorial system don't work, I'm sure first time player of this game getting bored as it hard to learn how to win.
- Even with latest updates it still have lot of bugs (for example can't set training object to GK)
- Funny thing is, after updated 2, instead of press P to pause the 3D game, I have to press Pause. Come on! Laptop don't have Pause button mate!

Good points:
- The tactic system going perfect, very impessive.
- Tactic Route make this game more perfect (but I want computer manager use that too, not only me! It sound fixed in update 2, but again, I don't want to update my game, it really like play another game when you update it!).
- 3D is going smooth and lovely.
- Players have many smart actions, AI is good, very nice passing.
- The financial system going well as always.
- Total control of the club (I don't have to ask to upgrade my stadium and getting refuse like in other games even when I have a zillion).
- Very nice interface which nice control of short-key setting.

It still worth playing though. I'll go for a 7/10. Hope they clear it in version 12.

(This is my review of FIFA Manager 11

Update: After patch the game with Update 3, it is harder to have header goals and fix some bugs, but I still be able to win FA Cup with my Bradford in first season after beating Manchester City and then Arsenal in the final, crazy!