Friday, April 17, 2015

Opera Turbo mode for Chrome?

Does Chrome have Turbo mode like Opera?

No. But it should!

Well, if you don't know, Opera Turbo mode is a brilliant mode that could help you bypass most firewall/blocked website, by give you a proxy gate. That is one, but the most useful feature, and be a powerful reason why some people still use Opera.

Ultrasurf could have you the same, but it is coming worse, slow and useless.

Chrome does not have Turbo mode, that is sad, but an add-on, that mostly work the same way as Opera Turbo mode does (but really work better and super faster than Ultrasurf add-on) is Data Compression Proxy.

It is not that popular, but going to (or it is better if it stays unpopular, er, isn't it?) I don't really care, it works like a charm. You could search it, or just click here:

Yep, working like a charm.

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